Much of the New Mexican geography was shaped by fiery volcanic geologic processes. The landscape around Grants, NM is no exception. The lava flows, cinder cones, and other volcanic features at El Malpais National Monument all demonstrate the rampant volcanic activity in the area. Present day visitors to El Malpais National Monument may not remember the fiery explosions with molten lava that carved and formed the rocks leaving behind the impressive formations. In conjunction with the NM Arts T.I.M.E. program, I created a site specific temporary art installation at the El Malpais Visitor Center to remind park visitors of its' explosive history. I collected, washed, primed, and painted numerous found pumice rocks fiery red and electric orange colors. I arranged the painted rocks in lava flow patterns at the Visitor's Center. The juxtaposition of these super saturated hot color painted rocks with the existing black rocks created a captivating visual effect.